“The Importance of Prioritizing Mental Health: Benefits and Tips”

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woman in white bathtub with water practicing self-care
Photo-Credit: Unsplash


Mental Health.

Now a slogan aimed at a show of aesthetics, once a vital component in the lives of many. Some people argue caring about Mental health is something reserved only for those who are privileged. The argument stands rather reasonable; however, it is a great fallacy.

Wouldn’t that imply that the only humans who matter in this world, are those with the time to think of their Psyche?

Besides, why do we believe that for us to place our Mental health as a priority—we require tons of time?

It stands as a testament to yourself on how you do not prioritize or believe in the science of the brain. And not just the brain but the spirit. Mental health is vital, crucial, and cannot be forgone. The detrimental consequences of doing so, have never been so evident.

Look around you. Walk out of your home, and into a mini grocery store. Take a stroll in your neighborhood or drive into town.


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Littered all around are tired, driven, and sometimes overly worked individuals. Of course, they have got time to stop and think to themselves, ‘Am I okay?’—but because it has never been a priority…they barely do.

Until they are on the verge of burnout.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of caring for our mental health.


  1. Self-Worth
  2. Belonging
  3. Physical Health
  4. Understanding



woman forming heart with her both hands showing a sign of self-worth
Photo Credit: Unsplash



How does one find Self-Worth, or experience a boost in their sense of self once they start actively caring for their mental well-being?


It should be obvious.

Paying attention to your Mental Well-being allows you to actively think about your shortcomings related to an area in your life you may be really worried about.


By doing so, you can practice self-awareness and maintain a healthy outlook on life. You begin to self-reflect, which is a necessary skill to make it alive through life’s numerous stages.



woman wearing floral dress standing on brown grassland with a sense of belonging
Photo credit: Unsplash


Most of us would love to feel a sense of belonging. Not everywhere, but somewhere. We want to know if there is a place, we can call home. Why not start by being your own home? Neglecting your mental health causes you to build a distant relationship with yourself.


Sometimes, you begin to view yourself as an outsider. Such a dynamic cannot be healthy at all. We want to belong and feel loved. Once you are able to understand yourself, you can adequately make yourself available to certain groups, and social circles. There you might strike up new relationships and garner a variety of experiences.


Suddenly, life no longer feels like a drag.



person standing on hill
Photo Credit: Unsplash




Meditating on one’s own thought, holding them captive, and reflecting helps us grasp the diversity in thinking, of which we are constantly surrounded by. When we don’t pay attention to our thoughts and wants it’s quite easy to become influenced by those of others.


We find it hard to identify ourselves from the crowd and tell others what it is we truly want. When you care about your mental health, you develop a deep understanding of how you interact with your environment.


No longer will you ponder aimlessly at why you’re not a fan of hugging upon meeting someone; you are satisfied with the truth, which is—that you ‘just’ don’t like it. And that does not make you rude, or weird.


It just makes you, you.



woman standing with her one leg
Photo Credit: Unsplash


4. Physical Health

Studies show that a healthy mind is directly proportional to a healthy body.

It should be no surprise, what happens in the spiritual realm, and what the mind festers manifests into the physical.


For this reason, it’s crucial we understand just how vital caring for our mental space is. It’s quite tempting to think it’s something reserved only for those rich enough to reflect—but If you harbor such a mindset, you greatly undervalue yourself.


Your physical health may be in danger as well.


Think about drug addicts. These individuals are clearly going through mental turmoil, plagued by a host of evils and accumulated trauma. Their pain manifests in our realm, as an addiction. Which unfortunately all too often leads down a path of violence, self-harm, and death.




To conclude, there is no set limit to the benefits one experiences once one begins to care for their Mental health. If that is a concept that sounds foreign to you, this is a sign to care about and start valuing your Mental Health.

Not in a  superficial, aesthetically pleasing manner. But in a truly honest, and vulnerable way.


Remember, Health is wealth. That applies to your invisible struggles too.

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