How to Stay Hopeful in a World That Markets Depression: Tips and Strategies

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Life is tough, but we’re always tougher


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What does it mean to be hopeful? Well, according to the Dictionary of Oxford languages, hopeful means feeling or having optimism about a future event.

A hopeful person would be described as one who feels optimistic and inspired about future events, even those of which they are uncertain.

Such a person can also be described as Dreamy in today’s society. A society that is increasingly beginning to market depression and suicide, as if they were fun and games. A hellish state, many suffer through.

Anyways, this article is to help anyone struggling with hopelessness. We’ll discuss how you can remain hopeful, not just through keeping the right mindset but the steps you can take; physically to maintain a hopeful attitude.

little girl holding flowers
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As children, we are the most hopeful we could ever be. The older we get; different life experiences snatch away at the bits of hope we have. Until we reflect and realize we are nothing but walking vessels of hopelessness and negativity.

You can’t remain in a child-like state forever. But it’s extremely important we even as Adults, hold steadfast to the hope we had as children.

hands put together in solidarity
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1. Get the help you need:

Wonderful, you’ve already identified the fact that you indeed need help; and aren’t living up to your fullest potential. The next step would be to seek help. Whatever that may mean to you. If it means nothing; or you have no clue, here’s an inspirational guide.

Consider confiding in a close friend or relative concerning your issues or whatever you are going through. It helps a lot, because sometimes we may feel we’re all alone in our struggles whereas it couldn’t be the exact opposite. Confiding in others not only allows you to gain different perspectives acquiring knowledge on how to change your current state, but it gives us company and keeps us reminded of the fact; that we are not alone.

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2. Focus on the good things life has to offer:

Sometimes we are too focused on the negative experiences we go through in our lives that we forget to give equally, or even more attention to the positives we experience on a day-to-day basis.

In other words, it’s almost like re-learning how to be grateful. Counting your blessings and naming them one by one. Even the successes you deem little, are exponential components adding immeasurable value to your life.

It will do you greater good if you just re-wired your brain to not allow negative circumstances to consume you and get the best out of you. A couple of ways to do so would be:

a cute pink Journal
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a. To Journal: Sometimes writing down our accomplishments makes them appear much more real; giving us less room to disregard them.

b. Planning: Writing down tasks for the day beforehand and ticking them off as each is being completed will not just help in boosting your confidence, but it helps to center the mind, reminding you of the fact that you’re a living, well-functioning, capable human being. Capable of altering any circumstance in your life you feel stuck in.

Woman Praying in her bedroom
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c. Praying: Praying always works. To be honest, sometimes you may feel discouraged to do so; or feel as though there’s no use. But it’s important to always keep in mind, that our thoughts and feelings are not facts. What you think are just words; are much more. And the God of the bible listens for every word.

Bible Journey
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3. Let tomorrow worry about its problems.

In the bible, it is written; Worrying doesn’t extend your lifespan so what use does it have. What else does worrying do to you other than cause headaches, and potentially lead to depression? A wise guy once told me, that if the issue at hand is solvable; solve it. If not, don’t worry about it; find a solution. If that as well you’re unable to do, you let it go. Because in life, we must understand some things are out of our control.

Whatever you’re feeling hopeless about, can it be solved? What are the plausible solutions? Have you tried them all? Is trying to solve it, stressing you out the more?

You let it go.

Not everything within our reach is meant to be gotten. Sometimes you have to struggle and let things go. It doesn’t mean turning hopeless, it just means accepting your shortcomings. You’ve tried, and you tried.

That is alright.

Woman collecting rocks on the beach
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4. Open yourself up to new experiences.

Being cooped up and stuck in our ways can sometimes be the reason for our lack of hope. Sometimes all you need to do is allow your mind some fresh new air.

If you can afford to, travel to a new country, a new city, town, or village.

Go visit some far-away friends.

Text your crush.

Visit a pet shop or donate to an orphanage.

Remind yourself you’re human. Placed on this earth not to exist but to live. Not to enjoy every moment, but to experience. To love, laugh, cry, pray, build relationships, and most importantly worship our Creator, Elohim.

Online shop, buy that dress; book you’ve been meaning to.

Don’t forget to rest too, because as an adult; the brain not just needs but craves rest.

For many Africans, it can seem especially daunting to think being hopeful is the best way to lead your life. Mentally I mean. We are constantly surrounded by reminders of failures and shortcomings; it gets tough to think positively.

However, I think it’s important for Africans to remember, that we are humans too. Our Mindsets affect our lives. The way we move, live and communicate with one another. Little by little, if we continue to hope for the change we crave; not even a little while longer, the change shall be seen.

Praise the Lord!

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