Practice these 11 Activities to Increase Mindfulness.

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So, What is Mindfulness?

Don’t get me wrong. As I write this article; I myself, I write to learn. So, we can learn together. Mindfulness according to Wikipedia is defined as: the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention in the present moment without evaluation, a skill one develops through meditation or other training.

A little personal story; I’ve always struggled with living in the moment, and saying I’ve spent a majority of my life in my head would be a great understatement. Growing up in Cameroon, for a majority of my childhood and different reasons, I have always felt excluded. Alienated from the normal majority. And so, to cope with these feelings of exclusion, I retreat into myself, into my head, the inner world in which I am understood and of which I understand. It felt great, and occasionally still feels good.

But as I grew in age and experience, it dawns on me that there comes a time when every Child has to leave the playground. I wonder, is my mind to be considered? Definitely not, but it as well makes little sense for me to remain inside; that is if I want to evolve.

So why is mindfulness important? According to Wikipedia, there’s evidence that practicing mindfulness, can positively impact your health and physique. Such as lowering your risks of developing dementia, Alzheimer’s, reducing inflammation and even helping in decreasing blood pressure.

Let’s talk about living in the moment, and how you can better do so.

I would love to make mention that; how we each take this article depends on multiple factors. Where we live, how we grew up, etc. I hope a little can be of help to you as I try to touch on the diversifying qualities of the many different situations faced by us humans.

1.Take a walk

Around your neighborhood, around your house. If you have pets; play with them, feed them, pet them. Allow your lungs to breathe in fresh air and experience the feeling of a light/heavy breeze on your skin.It helps.

2.Hang out with friends

Some of us don’t have many, some of us don’t have any. Some of us have very busy friends, some of us have fake friends. Whichever the case may be, find someone; with whom you’re comfortable with; with whom you can share some lovely moments with.

In case you would love to make more, or new friends, you can Learn how to build lasting connections by reading this article. It’s saturated with a bunch of helpful tips which helped me, build stronger lasting connections.

3.Bake a cake / cook a meal

If you live alone this is especially for you. Challenge yourself and make something you’ve never made before. You know how to use the internet right? There you will find a million recipes.

4.Buy a plant / plant a plant, nurture it.

Yes. You will have no other choice than to focus on the present moment; of having to take care of one of God’s creations, which are champions in living for the day.

5.Visit a children’s / elderly hospital

6.Organize any clutter / giveaway old clothing


Times get tough, However this article reminds us that sometimes all we can do is wait on God , remain Faithful and resilient.

8.Organize a picnic / walk on the beach

9.Do your hair/ buy new clothes

There’s nothing like looking good because instantly you feel good.


This I just recently started doing. Write down your thoughts, what you’re grateful for, what you feel. It centers your mind into present times & allows you to free yourself.

11.Throw your phone away

Unless you’re using it to listen to music, study, or talk to a friend. Social media will only leave you drained-in a daze (: live in the moment appreciate all solitude.

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